Clúster de la Indústria d’Automoció de Catalunya (CIAC) is a non-profit association, open to companies associated to the automotive sector based in Catalonia and with R & D & I activity. From the moment of its constitution and up to the present, more than 190 companies associated to the sector have joined the Catalan automotive cluster, where IFC TEAM has been part of it for a few years. This group of companies has a turnover of more than 20,000 million euros and employs more than 40,000 people.
The main purpose of the association is to strengthen the competitiveness of the automotive sector as the engine of the Catalan economy by promoting projects that help generate employment and place the Catalan automotive industry within the global context. The cluster represents the almost 500 companies that, directly or indirectly, work in the automotive sector in Catalonia. To achieve this, a strategic plan has been designed with a series of short, medium and long-term objectives, which guarantee its development in the new global industrial framework.